Overcoming the fear and anxiety you have toward birth.

If you’ve ever experienced fear and anxiety toward birth you know just how crippling, overwhelming and overpowering it can be! I certainly can relate to those crippling fears, for years I was adamant I was never giving birth. I was so overcome by fear and a negative perception of birth that I was pretty keen to avoid it all together.

When we fear birth it can cloud our perception and give us a false sense of understanding about what birth really is and what it’s meant to be like.

Birth was not made to be scary, birth was made to be empowering, a gift of life and transformation.
But so many of us still fear birth, feel anxious about it, and expect the absolute worst. Most of the people that I talk to about birth are terrified of giving birth, doubting themselves and their ability to birth in their own power.

When we fear birth and believe that we cannot birth we installing lack of trust in what our bodies were made and created to do. This is exactly what the maternity system and our birth culture have set us up for, if you think of all the stories and experiences you’ve heard about birth 90% of them would be negative and filled with birth trauma.

We are surrounded by negative experiences and lack of trust in unmedicated, physiological, and low-intervention birth. The stories and experiences we’ve been told over and over again only grow and clarify the fear we already have. Eventually making us feel adamant to never give birth (or maybe that’s just me…) or see a medicated and potentially traumatising birth the only option.

To overcome this fear we need to break the cycle, surround ourselves with empowering and physiological birth stories, and unlearn just about everything we’ve ever learned and believed about birth.

We need to stop looking to outside opinions and taking on other women’s negative experiences as our own, for whilst as true as their experiences are they don’t have to be yours!

Fear in birth doesn’t have to be in your future. You can break free and be released from the fear and anxiety that cripples and holds you back from being empowered and transformed by birth.

You are in control of your mindset, what you fill your mind impacts your thoughts and perceptions.
You have the power to completely write and rewrite how you feel towards birth.

The best thing I did for overcoming my fear towards birth was understanding what my fears were and where they came from.
After than it was unlearning and relearning everything about birth, and not just any birth true physiological birth.

There is power in knowledge and freedom in understanding what birth can look like.

If you feel ready to overcome your free in birth, I’ve created a free guide to the 13 common practices that disrupt birth. This guide challenges the 13 common practices that have been normalized in the birth space and are disrupting normal, healthy birth.

You can download your copy here!


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Supporting physiological birth