What the hecks sytocinon?! 

Syntocinon is a commonly used intervention to help ‘speed’ labour up. It’s also known as Pitocin, Synto, Pit. Some care providers also like to call it oxytocin despite it acting completely different than natural oxytocin.

The use of syntocinon has become the norm in birth all over Australia and the world despite the risks it has on women, their babies, and their birth experience.

The truth is Syntocinon is disrupting normal, physiological birth. It’s changing women’s birth experiences but not in a good way.

I’ve created this free guide to help women feel educated and informed before they go into birth rather than hearing about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of syntocinon when they are in the depths of labour.

In this free guide, you can expect to find out

  • differences between oxytocin (the real MVP of birth) and syntocinon

  • the risk, benefits, alternatives

  • my top tips for protecting your birth from syntocinon

    and MORE!!